Sunday, June 9, 2024

Love Lions Alive (doc1)


What happened on this LOVE LIONS ALIVE Sanctuary mission.


My fiend Jill told me about Love Lions Alive a month or so back already but some changes were been made apparently with the management of the place. Then things jumped a bit and a gentleman that checks out people contacted me. He said we should just chat a bit and if he likes what he hears he will tell Ms Rive. Apparently he did think I was up for the position that Love Lions Alive had open. Like a trainee lion feeder. This was not the understanding, it WAS the preposed deal. Rive eventually called me herself and we had a brief chat. Remember this. We spoke on the phone, later it became a very important FACT.

The starting date was suppose to be on June 1…. But. This changed. As you can see by this piece of the contract, ”  A humble yet self-directed attitude is necessary. You will not be micromanaged so will need to be self-motivated and take initiative whilst still working under the direction of Thandi, Thokozane and within LLA’s MOI.”

Unfortunately the chap, Thokozane got himself killed by a lioness. Then I was asked to come earlier, to help. Of course I did everything to get there as soon as possible. That is just me. Few hiccups along the way, as Andi had paid be one month in advance to get there. It was paid the Saturday and on Sunday I got a lift to a decent shopping place and bought a few things needed for the very long bus trip. I ditched as much kit as I could but still had overweight bags, extra R88.00, which I had!

It took 21 hours to get to Swinburne, there I called Andi and she said she was in Harrismith and she could get her daughter to collect me, or I could get a sandwich and wait for her. As I only took a chicken burger and some breakfast bar thingies on the bus, I bought a sammie and waited. Andi arrived and….. I felt it immediately, this lady had a problem with me which I really did not understand at the time. Later she would tell me why. We drove the short distance to LLA, I got taken to the barn, told my wooden hut was not ready and I can just dump my kit on one of the many bunk beds in the barn. Ok. Then she pointed out a gate, told me in 15 or 20 minutes I must meet her at the bottom of the path. Not much else.

I walked down the path and the smell was bad, I knew that this must be where they butcher the cows. Jip. No bodies at this time, but huge chunks of meat and all the intestines and smelly cow insides were just laying around in heaps. *1

Andi had a trailer on the bakkie now, one with very high sides! I watched them “prepare” the meat with muti. Surprised to see one or two lions had anti depressants, for humans put in their food. *2 The multi vitamin is more understandable.

I was told to climb up on the trailer, which proved to be difficult, old body was on a bus for a whole day. We went first to the lions right by the barn, rough road there and I bounced about a lot. Andi was still not talking much, so I watched. ( Observation) *3.

I saw the meat was thrown over the fence, no going into the cage, believe me I was a bit concerned that we were going to drive in with that open trailer. Stupid? Nope, I have seen people do more stupid stuff, believe me. I got told to get back in the trailer, when not fast enough, Andi just drove, and I sort of half climbed half fell into the damn thing. Then the road up the mountain…. Rough 4 x 4 and I got bounced about a lot. We get to the main cages, mind boggling to see all this at once! Again the lady seems so pissed off with me and I really cannot work this out, why!!??

In and out the trailer a few more times and by now I am getting very slow at it, is the only reason I could see. I will have to try harder. I had been asked if I had food, explained the extra cost of weight on the bus, so , no. A couple of packets of 2 Minute Noodles is all. The open kitchen at the barn had a kettle and nothing else. Thinking at least I can get a hot shower, find that the geyser is not working. Cold so just got under my light sleeping bag, fully clothed. Oh. Was told to meet Andri and the other chap at about 7:30am under the big tree outside. Tired but could not sleep as I am now very worried, something is badly wrong here.

Next day, I go meet them. Not sure if I must get in the vehicle, as I am getting told nothing, I ask. Bliksem was she rude. I get in, I shut up and watch. We set off for Harrismith, everything is closed, Public Holiday.

We swop trailers and then go to the garage. I ask, politely if I can just go into the shop quickly, no sugar no coffee. I get a really filthy look. We set off on the road to go collect dead cows. I try make some sort of attempt to ease the tension here. I said something and was , again , rudely told that she knows nothing about me. I ask about both Jill and what I thought was her man, the guy that said he was checking me out. Long story of which I don’t really believe a word. Then. As this woman reminds me so much of Selomie Maritz and the operation here has not only the same pattern, it has parallel lines, and said I checked her out as best I could before I left. *4 . The conversation on the surface got better and we at least chatted about nature for a bit. Arrive on a farm and load as many cows as will fit on the trailer.

We drive back and the cows get dumped in the butchery area. *5 I get told that I must help the guy chop these cows up. Gruesome work, a youngster helps, he hacks the breastbones of the dead creatures up with a small axe. Later I would use it to smash the thigh bones then make lion size bites out of the meat. By now I am very hungry and pretty tired all round. The fact that I cut myself so badly with my own blade shows this. Checked. Not ONE scar on me from a self inflicted blade injury, not one.

I send a message I hurt myself rather badly, no reply. By now I am leaking badly, I find a T-shirt to just wrap around the cuts and put pressure on. Should be fine. It was not. Leaks would not stop. Cut up another T-shirt and made two Tonique’s , with only one hand. That worked. Did the apply and release thing till the leaks stopped then wrapped the finger up. Made some tea, as coffee at a garage shop is too expensive.

Later Andi came up to the barn, and we looked at why the geyser was not working. She did not even mention my injury, instead made me climb up into the roof of the building next to the barn to check the trip switchers. Nope, all on. Rive then showed me to a very nice bathroom by the wedding hall area. Then got a gas cooker and some eating utensils. But. Got no food still. I had a Two Minute Noodle left and ate that.

Next morning I went to the slaughter area and saw that line was there too. I helped load some chunks of meat onto Lines trailer. Then and only then was my injury mentioned. Rive told line I would not go with as my hand was injured. Then Rive told me I was not working out, and my hearing impairment was a big problem. Then the first lie. Rive said she was angry at me as I never mentioned it. Wrong. We spoke on the phone when she hired me. And. Every single call I get from a person I have not spoken to before on a phone, I have a standard operating procedure to TRY solve any problems. First I say hello, then immediately tell the person that my hearing is bad but if they speak into the phone and clearly, no problem. Then the contract, Rive claimed I cannot do any of the work set out in this contract. By now when I tried to talk reasonably to her, she basically told me to shut up, like she was the Head Mistress and I am a schoolboy. Anything that is on her list except feed lions, I have done, everything. Maybe not yesterday but I have done it successfully . To this end I have photographic proof with the dates and place imbedded   into said photos.

After Rive had told me I a fired, before I even reached the starting date, 1 June, she asked if I need a doctor. She looked at the now filthy “bandage” on my hand. I told her I don’t do doctors, only if I cannot fix myself. No offer of a First Aid Kit or a lift to a chemist to get what I really needed, clean bandage. Not much to ask for. Also Rive said I must leave immediately. Here I got a word in edgewise and asked for a day or two to try find something. Rive said okay, mentioning I can do garden work around the Barn area. She also said I can keep the R8000.00 she paid so I could get here earlier. The bus and the trip ate a lot of that money……

By now I was VERY hungry and decided to kill two birds with one stone. Get food and patch up kit, with the money I still had. Walked 4 kilometers to the town. There is no town, just the Montrose Pit Stop . No food except expensive take away places, but I had to eat. There is only a vending machine with medical stuff in it, but no bandages.

Took my food and walked back to LLA. Started packing my kit, which caused my hand to start bleeding again. Cut up what was left of the T-shirt and redid my bandages. Later that night, woken up by the lights coming on. Line, she asked what the hell I am still doing here, I must leave. I told her that is not what Rive agreed to, right now I just woke up and am in pain, go away, we can talk about it later.

Next day Rive says that Line will give me a lift to a Backpackers in Harrismith before the funeral. I wait. Nothing. Send a message and get told it will be after the funeral. Meanwhile looked up the Backpackers and places to stay in Harrismith. Found a place cheaper than the Backpackers and booked on line. 

Line picked me up, no help with loading my bags, one finger starts leaking a bit again. I get in the cab, my small backpack on my lap. We get to the gate and this young woman looks at me to get the gate. I say no. My hand hurts , you do it. Then Line asks where to, give her the address. No speaking after that. I literally got dumped outside the Guest House. Literally. It was my 61st birthday this day……..

I feel that this is not right at all!