Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The Truth Shall Set You Free

Freedom, without freedom I am nothing, so the pursuit of this has lead me along some strange and dangerous routes. Freedom is very different to the Uhuru chaos here in Africa, it comes at great cost and lots of responsibility. Now in the Bible I read that the truth shall set me free. With my childhood upbringing as a Jehovah’s Witness I grew up in THE TRUTH. That is how JW’s say and think it, in caps! All I found in that religion was bondage, hell, a slave has more freedom than a poor kid with a fanatical Jehovah’s Witness parent!
In my quest to understand the world I live in I go to many Strange Classrooms, the latest addition is a Bible discussion group.  As the Bible says that Jesus is the truth, the way and the light, I put these questions to the group.  What do they see as the truth? As I knew that at least one would say Jesus, I added that I would like a practical example of how their view of what the truth is has set them free. I was met with a few moments silence, then one lady said what I thought would come up. Jesus. She did not disappoint and again as I predicted she could not give one PRACTICAL example of how this made her free. Again the discussion just stopped.
I put it to them that the first step of the truth will set you free is not accepting Jesus, but honesty. First honest with yourself, as if you cannot be honest with yourself, you cannot be honest with others.   Once you are honest with yourself and you see all your faults and your good points you have a basis to build your freedom on, but admitting and then trying to correct your wrongs you gain the freedom of guilt. From there you clean house, make amends to the people you have hurt. Even if some of those people reject your attempts, the freedom you will get from this exercise is unparalleled!  From here you make a point in been honest, in all your dealings, and when you slip up, as you will, immediately correct the error.
That is freedom!

A compilation of my Strange Classrooms is soon to be released, please “Like” and  keep an eye on this page.
Here is a story of developing and breaking an addiction, while dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome at the same time.

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